Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Alchemist - The winds will never feel the same again! ;)

When I began to read this book during my flight, the person next to me told me that I would see this book with a different perspective 10 years from now. I don't know about that, but I really found this book quite awesome.

There are a few recurring themes in the book.


The very first, and one around which the story revolved is of the treasure. The treasure that the king told him of. The treasure that his dreams told him about. The very same treasure that took him from Spain to Egypt.

But when I was done reading this book, I asked myself if the treasure really mattered to him at the end. If you really ask the soul of Santiago this question, his answer is going to be no.

You know what his real treasure was - his journey. The journey that evolved him in so many different ways. He came to know other businesses, understood the language of the world, met the woman of his life, and realised so many different things.

So, once I completed this book, I didn't need a dream to happen to find my treasure. Neither do you! We just need to seek more than our routine life we are accustomed to, like Santiago was being a shepherd, and boy, that's where you will find the treasure.
